Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Course Numbering

The courses contained within this catalog are numbered according to the following general characteristics:

Series 000 – These courses are designed to offer learning to prepare a student for undergraduate college level work and do not count towards the hours required for a University of Saint Mary Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree.

Series 100 – These lower level courses have little or no prerequisite requirement(s), and generally provide basic foundations, concepts, and terminologies in its academic discipline.

Series 200 – These lower level courses are of an intermediate college-level difficulty and may have 100 series courses as prerequisites.

Series 300 – These upper level courses are of an advanced nature, have 100 – 200 series courses as prerequisites, and are within an undergraduate major or offered to academically qualified students with an interest in the subject matter.

Series 400 – These upper level courses and seminars are of an advanced nature, have 100 – 300 series courses as prerequisites, and are within an undergraduate major, honors, or offered to academically qualified students with an interest in the subject matter.

Series 500 – These upper level courses are designed as the final capstone, internship, or learning experience of an academic major, are generally reserved for seniors within the major, and carry 100 – 400 series courses as prerequisites.

Series 600 – These courses are designed to offer learning to prepare a student for graduate college level work and count towards the hours required for a University of Saint Mary Master and/or Doctorate degree. Undergraduate students may also enroll in 600 level coursework as applicable.

Series 700 – 900 – These courses are designed for graduate level college work that counts towards the hours required for a University of Saint Mary Master and/or Doctorate degree.