Academic Catalog 2024-2025

DPT 673 Research Statistics

This course is designed to focus on improving the skills of application of statistical techniques for various types of research in physical therapy. Emphasis will be given to descriptive and inferential statistics and their applications. Classroom experiences include lecture, discussion, and student presentations. Students will practice topics discussed include displaying and describing data, the normal curve, regression, probability, statistical inference, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests with applications. Students will have the opportunity to analyze parametric and non-parametric statistical tests. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of a basic set of research designs and statistical tests common to clinical research studies. Students will be able to manage data generated by research and outcome analysis and fully integrate the use of statistical methods.  In addition, students will understand the results of applying these methods and will make inferences or conclusions based upon the data analysis.




Enrollment in the physical therapy program and successful completion of all prior coursework therein or permission of the course director and the Physical Therapy Program Director


Fall B