Chemistry and Physics
The Chemistry program seeks to provide a solid background in fundamentals of theoretical and experimental chemistry. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for scientific professions, graduate studies, healthcare professional schools, or secondary teaching. A prime concern of the department is the importance of the physical sciences in the solution of problems in a complex technological society.
Program Outcomes
Throughout their program the students demonstrate the accomplishment of the following outcomes:
- Recall and apply basic facts, laws, principles, and conventional terminology employed in the areas of chemistry.
- Develop habits of analytical thinking with a scientific approach to problem solving.
- Apply current methods of analysis and synthesis to problem solving.
- Develop the ability to judge the accuracy and precision of experimental data.
- Solve chemical problems using laboratory and mathematical techniques.
- Demonstrate skill, competence, and confidence in the use of standard laboratory equipment, including the proper use of a lab notebook.
- Demonstrate the ability to present, interpret, and discuss experimental results in a professional manner for a scientist.
- Demonstrate intellectual honesty, responsibility, and accountability in learning and life.
Teacher Licensure
Students who plan to become secondary teachers (grades 6-12) should consult the Education section of the catalog and speak with an advisor from teacher education early in their programs. Education programs may include specific content and supporting courses not required of all content majors due to licensure and accreditation requirements. Students must earn a "C" or higher in all content and education coursework.