Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Master of Arts in Elementary Education

The Graduate Elementary Teacher Education Program is dedicated to professional preparation for teaching, through its critical reflective teacher model. In order to enhance and enrich P-12 student learning, the program seeks to promote critical deliberation through coursework which

  • Advocates continual growth in knowledge and renewal of commitment to the well-being of others within the context of its catholic, liberal arts tradition;
  • Gives emphasis to the significance of diversity in American society and in its key social institutions;
  • Underscores the political and moral nature of teaching in a pluralistic society;
  • Integrates the study of education with study in the liberal disciplines and with clinical experiences;
  • Engages candidates in critical inquiry into the social, political, philosophical/ideological, and economic context in which schools are embedded;
  • Emphasizes the interactive nature of theory and practice; and
  • Considers global perspectives.

A 37-credit hour Master of Arts degree in Elementary Education is offered to candidates who have an earned bachelor’s degree in another field and are interested in teaching at the elementary (PK-6 level). The program invites professionals who have a passion for teaching elementary students and are interested in earning an advanced degree at an accelerated pace. Successful completion of the Master of Arts in Elementary Education leads to initial Kansas Licensure and a degree in Elementary Education.

Teacher Education Graduate Program Outcomes

These program learning outcomes (PLOs) align with the Kansas Professional Teaching and Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC). Standards to emphasize the development of well-rounded, effective educators who can meet the needs of diverse students in today's classrooms. The University of Saint Mary candidates will:

  1. Create and maintain inclusive learning environments that respect and embrace the cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity of their students, while fostering a sense of belonging and equity (CAEP 1.1, KSDE/InTASC 1).
  2. Be proficient differentiating instruction to meet the diverse needs of all students, using a wide range of teaching strategies to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills (CAEP 1.1, CAEP 1.2, KSDE/InTASC 2, 3).
  3. Demonstrate a deep and comprehensive understanding of their subject matter and the pedagogical knowledge required to teach and create learning experiences that make the content accessible and meaningful for students (CAEP 1.2, KSDE/InTASC 4, 5).
  4. Demonstrate their proficiency in employing various assessment methods to actively engage learners in their own learning progress, and continuously monitor learner advancement (CAEP 1.3, KSDE/InTASC 6).
  5. Be proficient in planning and implementing instruction that supports all students in meeting rigorous learning goals and will implement assessments, collect and analyze data and make informed instructional decisions to promote student growth and achievement (CAEP 1.3, KSDE/InTASC 7, 8).
  6. Demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional growth and ethical practice, engage in self-reflection and collaboration to increase effectiveness as an educator and to contribute positively to their school communities (CAEP 1.4, KSDE/InTASC 9, 10)
  7. Engage in self-reflection and critical thinking, allowing them to continuously assess and improve their teaching methods to help P-12 students realize their unique gifts and talents (CAEP 1, KSDE/InTASC 9). 

Each candidate demonstrates the fulfillment of the outcomes through coursework, research, and related field experiences.

Education Graduate Program Dispositions

University of Saint Mary candidates will demonstrate their commitment to teaching and learning through:

  1. Fostering the learning of all students,
  2. Dedicating themselves to life-long learning and professional training,
  3. Providing leadership in shaping change within learning communities,
  4. Respecting and honoring diversity and global perspectives,
  5. Performing critical analysis and reflective practice,
  6. Fulfilling professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity,
  7. Encouraging and modeling self-assessment, and
  8. Promoting learning utilizing assessments, technologies, and best instructional practices.

Candidates will demonstrate fulfillment of the dispositions through self-assessment surveys.

Admission Requirements

The following requirements must be met to be considered for full (regular) admission to the Master of Arts in Elementary Education program:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • An undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scale.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • An essay describing the candidate’s philosophy of teaching and learning.
  • An interview with the education program director or division chair.
  • Completion of all general education content requirements before being eligible to apply for student teaching.

Accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education (KSBoE) and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the education unit offers professional courses for elementary teachers. Through college governance structures, including the Teacher Education Committee, the unit works with all other departments in its interdisciplinary approach to the preparation of teachers.

Since teacher preparation program requirements may change to meet state and/or national standards, students should contact the academic division chair to obtain information concerning the current program. All students interested in teacher education should consult with the department regarding preferred sequence, selection of courses, and specific general education requirements.

Course Transfer Policy Statement for the Master of Arts in Elementary Education

This policy governs the evaluation and acceptance of courses that are presented for either prerequisite general education transfer or professional coursework transfer based on competency equivalence by students applying to enter programs within the University of Saint Mary’s Department of Education. USM’s Department of Education desires to ensure consistency and continuity in the acceptance of courses that are presented transfer for either prerequisite general education and/or professional coursework equivalence of competencies, and which are in compliance with the program requirements of the Kansas State Department of Education. Decisions regarding acceptance of courses for transfer credit will be made by the program director and/or the Social and Behavioral Sciences Division Chair.


  • Coursework for prerequisite transfer must demonstrate equivalent competencies to those courses taught in the University of Saint Mary education program. Transfer courses to be considered must be beyond the level of secondary education and may include both graduate and undergraduate work. Courses that are remediation of deficiencies from secondary school or from lack of preparation of the student will not be accepted for equivalence. Candidates applying for prerequisite or professional course transfer, based on equivalent competencies are responsible for providing the necessary documentation for review, including the submission of an official transcript, and may also include original syllabi or catalog descriptions of courses. Prerequisite general education coursework that received a grade of less than C- will not be accepted for transfer credit. Prerequisite general education coursework that is more than 20 years old at the time of degree application may not be accepted for transfer credit. Professional education coursework submitted for transfer that received a grade less than C- will not be accepted. Professional education coursework that is older than 10 years at the time of program application may not be accepted.
  • Coursework must have been earned at an institution whose academic integrity has been assured and must be appropriately accredited by an agency or commission recognized by the United States Department of Education. For institutions outside the United States, such assurance is provided by an approved credentials evaluation service to which applicants submit their educational credentials. Evaluation of equivalent competencies within a course considered for transfer will focus on the level of instruction and applicability to the corresponding USM course.
  • A maximum of 9 credit hours of course credit in professional education courses that demonstrate equivalent competencies with the corresponding Saint Mary course may be considered for transfer credit in initial licensure programs.
  • If the Social and Behavioral Sciences Division Chair rules against the transfer of credit within the above-mentioned parameters, the student may appeal in writing, to include a course syllabus of the disputed course, to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, who is the final authority.
  • The University of Saint Mary reserves the right to require official transcripts any time during the admissions process and rescind any offer of admission made if discrepancies between unofficial and official transcripts are found.

Initial Teacher Licensure from the Kansas State Department of Education

This program leads to recommendation for initial licensure for Elementary Level PK-6. For specific information regarding other particular endorsements, consult the Graduate Education Program Director.

Admission to Student Teaching

Candidates formally apply for admission to student teaching on or before a date set by the education department midway through the fall or spring semester prior to the anticipated student teaching semester. The Teacher Education Committee evaluates applications. The department informs students of the decision. Placement requests are accepted for up to three school and grade level choices. Placements are made by the Graduate Education Program Director. Further information concerning student teaching is found in the Education Department Policies and Procedures Manual.

Licensure Coursework

The Graduate Education Program Director will advise candidates on recommended sequence of coursework.

Master of Arts in Elementary Education Licensure Courses

Professional Education Foundations Core (14 crs):

ED 720Curriculum Design and Assessment


ED 738Instructional Technology


ED 744Methods for Teaching Diverse Learners


ED 748Psychological Foundations of Education


ED 757Classroom Management and Positive Behavioral Supports


Professional Education Curriculum Core (12 crs):

ED 746Teaching Science and Health in Elementary School


ED 747Teaching Social Studies and Aesthetics in Diverse Settings


ED 749Teaching Math in Elementary School


ED 758Elementary Literacy and Language Arts Methods


Field Core Experience (2 crs):

ED 755Reading Practicum


ED 765Advanced Practicum


Student Teaching Semester (9 crs):

ED 766Teacher as Professional Collaborator


ED 767Student Teaching: Elementary


Students pursuing the Master of Arts in Elementary Education Limited Elementary Restricted Program (LERP) will take ED 790, ED 791, ED 792, and ED 793 in lieu of ED 767