Academic Catalog 2024-2025

DPT 750 Geriatrics

This course provides information on current issues that impact health care delivery for the older adult population. Theories of normal aging processes, sociocultural, environmental factors, psychosocial issues, and systemic changes are discussed in relation to health promotion, prevention and wellness, optimal daily function, and quality of life. Collaboration with other health care providers, the community, and family resources are addressed. Our core values are stressed, especially with regard to the development of an appropriate therapeutic environment for the elderly. The students will be required to formulate plans for treatment of the geriatric physical therapy patient including assessment, education, and application of therapeutic interventions. During the course, students are expected to demonstrate competency in the professional behaviors necessary for becoming an effective physical therapist.




Enrollment in the physical therapy program and successful completion of all prior coursework therein or permission of the course director and the Physical Therapy Program Director

