COM 305 | Media Literacy | 3 |
ED 250 | Teaching as a Profession Seminar | 2 |
ED 301 | Foundations of Education: Social, Cultural, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives | 3 |
ED 302 | Introduction to Educational Technology | 3 |
ED 324 | Psychological Foundations of Education | 3 |
ED 326 | Educating Exceptional Children and Youth | 3 |
ED 376 | Teaching Reading in the Content Areas | 3 |
ED 395 | Classroom Management and Positive Behavioral Supports | 3 |
ED 420 | Methods for Teaching Diverse Learners | 3 |
ED 455 | Classroom and Community Collaboration | 3 |
ED 474 | The Science and Teaching of Reading | 3 |
ED 489 | Secondary Methods: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment | 3 |
ED 590 | Seminar III: Professional Collaborations | 1 |
ED 599 | Student Teaching - Secondary | 12 |
EN 251 | American Literature I: Creating Culture(s) | 3 |
EN 252 | American Literature II: Finding Voice(s) | 3 |
EN 330 | Writers Workshop I | 3 |
EN 362 | Classical Mythology | 3 |
EN 365 | World Literature | 3 |
EN 375 | Forms of Literature | 3 |
EN 443 | Shakespeare | 3 |
EN 484 | Special Topics | 3 |
EN 490 | Structures of Modern English Grammar | 3 |
EN 597 | Seminar for English Majors: Literary Criticism | 3 |
PY 290 | Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
| | |
| Choose one of the following: | |
EN 245 | British Literature I | 3 |
EN 246 | British Literature II | 3 |