Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is expected of all members of the University of Saint Mary community. It is an essential component of higher education and is necessary for true academic growth. Consistent with the university mission and values, academic honesty is essential in achieving one’s God-given potential. Value-centered lives are meaningless if honesty is not one of those values. The bonds of community require that none of us knowingly discredit the value of a Saint Mary education. Respect for others requires that we acknowledge the sources of our information. Justice requires that we possess the skills and learning that we profess to have. Excellence requires that we do the best we can in everything we do, without resorting to dishonesty or other immoral behavior.
Academic honesty is the policy of the University of Saint Mary. Academic dishonesty is prohibited by the University of Saint Mary. Academic dishonesty includes, without limitation, any form of cheating whether in or out of the classroom; the presenting of purchased or stolen papers, computer programs, reports, or other written work as one’s original work, including but not limited to artificial intelligence. Failure to acknowledge the source of quotations, unique ideas, figures, tables, charts, and diagrams through academically acceptable attribution from any source - including artificial intelligence - when these are used in papers, reports, or formal presentations, or any work product submitted for a grade is considered academic dishonesty.
The falsification of information, destruction, concealment, or unauthorized modification of academic materials of the university, faculty, other student or any other person(s) for purposes of self-gain, or diminishing the academic work of another, is academic dishonesty and may lead to other charges as appropriate. In addition, falsification of academic materials from another college, university, or educational entity to achieve or maintain admission to and continued enrollment in the University of Saint Mary will be grounds for expulsion.
Because standards of use of artificial intelligence, citations, attribution, and use of materials may vary between academic disciplines or within various specialties within an academic discipline, these general definitions should be considered base levels of academic honesty. Individual faculty may define further academic honesty and artificial intelligence expectations in course syllabi appropriate to their academic discipline.
Faculty initiated reports of student academic dishonesty are made in electronic format and will include all supporting information, evidence, and relevant correspondence. The report with supporting information is sent to the academic Division Chair. If students have multiple reports of academic dishonesty or a single report egregious in nature, they may be required to meet with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs which may lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal from the university.