Undergraduate English Placement
Undergraduate traditional students without applicable transfer credit will be placed into the appropriate English course based on Next Generation Accuplacer scores administered at time of registration. If ACT or SAT scores are available, they can be considered in addition to the Accuplacer scores. Please see Undergraduate Courses for individual course descriptions.
EN 006 Introduction to Composition
Next Generation Accuplacer Writing score of 234 or below
ACT English sub-score (or SAT equivalent) of 16 or below
EN 110 Principles of Composition
Next Generation Accuplacer Writing score between 235-249
ACT English sub-score (or SAT equivalent) of 17
EN 111 English Composition I
Next Generation Accuplacer Writing score between 250-271
ACT English sub-score (or SAT equivalent) of 18-25
EN 112 English Composition II
Next Generation Accuplacer Writing score of 272 or above
ACT English sub-score (or SAT equivalent) of 26 or above
Students whose Next Generation Accuplacer Writing score or ACT English sub-score (or SAT equivalent) places them into EN 112 will be awarded credit for EN 111.